In quarantine like many of you, I have a few positive points that I have identified with the situation that I like to share.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing governments to take drastic containment measures on the population in an attempt to contain and then defeat the virus. For a minimum of 15 days. These measures will weigh on our bodies, our minds, and our relationships. Not to mention our finances. As part of my missions for video game studios, I am used to analyzing, recommending solutions, and designing strategies to best promote video games.
You may argue that quarantine due to the coronavirus is a different context. Actually, it is quite the same. The goal is to perceive the opportunities available or to be seized.
Strengthen your affective bonds
Many of us are not home alone. As a couple or as a family, we need to take care of ourselves, together. Learn how to manage this new situation and take care of each other all along the way. This experience of promiscuity is not a simple one because the daily life reference points are there and yet nothing is the same. Animating one’s children, managing frustrations and the whole situation is not easy.

However, it is an opportunity to strengthen the bonds that unite us with our close family and also with those who do not live under the same roof. Whether they are members of your family or friends. Modern communication technologies must be used to get in touch; or to intensify contact with our loved ones. The telephone, WhatsApp, and Skype are tools we should use to keep in touch with our close ones.
Learn to work differently
If you haven’t already, you’re going to have to work remotely. Most independent studios are used to this nowadays with teams scattered over national or even international territory. For those who find themselves working at home for the first time, I advise you to set up some rituals to get started. In order not to spend the day in pajamas, continue your morning habits (breakfast, shower, getting dressed) in order to keep a rhythm and motivation from day to day.
For my part, I have now several remote courses for students to organize. Novice in this distance course format, this will be an opportunity to try it out. And if the experience is conclusive why not create a video blog with PR and Marketing guidance for independent studios in the future?
In the meantime, you can subscribe to my newsletter and be informed about my new releases on these topics.
Ventilate your mind, practice sports
Most of the countries that have applied quarantine allow, in a supervised manner (exit certificate), to go out to practice a sports activity. The coming period will limit your daily movements and it is, therefore, important to compensate. Cycling, walking, or jogging allows you to keep your body in shape, get out of your house/flat for a while, and at the same time ventilate your mind.
In addition to keeping your physical condition clean, sport allows you to maintain your intellectual acuity and reduce the negative psychological effects of confinement.
StAy CrEaTiVe DuRiNg QuArAnTiNe
You do have plenty of time? good for you! Take advantage of this opportunity to update your tools or take over projects that have been put on hold.

Maybe you’ve started developing a little video game for your own pleasure or a scenario. This is your chance to get back into it and refresh your head as you move forward on these side projects.
Already, special Game Jams have been set up to allow everyone to share their love of video game development. Continuing to be creative and participate in the community are essential needs that must be preserved during these difficult times.
About creativity, did I mention that I’ve tailored 2 light PR packs for solo developers to promote their games in addition to my usual services? Get in touch to know more about those!
Cultivate your curiosity and get trained!
The quarantine can and should be a source of opportunities. One of them is to have time to educate yourself. Whether by reading articles (Thank you for reading this!) but also tutorial videos. Test new things and why not learn more about narrative design or the amazing possibilities of game engines?
Visit GDC Vault website with tons of free content to learn from.
Plan moments of recreation and relaxation
Restaurants, bars, cinemas and theatres are closed. But cultural and personal development is still available. Plan your days of quarantine with pleasant moments of relaxation. Alone, as a couple or as a family. Whether by practicing meditation, drawing, cooking, or watching a good movie. These moments are an oasis of freedom in the days to come and you have plenty of time to try new practices.

Intensify your digital communication
If you are confined to isolation or even for the simple need to talk to other people, communicate on the internet. Twitter, Discord, Reddit and so many other social networks allow you to do so. Continue to discuss and exchange with your contacts and create new ones. Don’t hesitate to share your fears or your current experience. Your virtual relationships are no less authentic and are a source of support in this coronavirus ordeal, which affects the whole world.
Moreover, with all these people connected to the internet more than usual, my advice is to intensify the communication about your indie studio and your video games in order to improve their promotion.

It should be the right time to put your old games on sale (or free) for example. In response to the video game platform outages encountered these days, you may consider hosting your indie games and demos on your own website if you can.
Give a round of applause from the balconies
In Italy, Spain and France, and surely in other countries as well, people meet at the end of the day to thank all the health staff. The applause from the balconies is a tribute to those who fight on the front line for the good of all of us. Let us pay tribute to them and to the missing and their families.
Let us commune together in this way in anticipation of the day when we can all share more convivial moments together again. I can already imagine the manifestations of joy, love, and life that will come after this war. I can’t wait. In the meanwhile:
Stay at Home, Be Safe, Learn and Make Games
-Yohann @Longshot_indie
Feel free to share in the comments your projects, plans, ideas, and tips that you are putting in place for the coming weeks.